Call the team on 01603 505 100 for more information
Development site with planning permission for nine dwellings
0.43 acre development site with planning permission for nine dwellings An exciting development opportunity comprising of a brownfield site extending to around 0.43 acres, stms, with outline planning permission for nine dwellings. The scheme alllows for six x two bedroom flats and three x three bedroom houses with associated parking. The site forms part of the car park of the Windmill Public House and is located around a mile east of the city centre. As well as having planning permission for residential development, the car park also has planning permission for change of use for a car wash including erection of office and waiting room building. Application no. 15/01487/F approved 27th November 2015.
Outline planning permission was granted by Norwich City Council on 16th November 2016 for the erection of nine dwellings with associated work, application no. 16/01354/O. Further details, including plans, can be found on the public access website of Norwich City Council,
Please would all interested parties register their interest with the Auctioneers in order that they may be kept up to date with any developments.
Any reasonable time at own risk
Interested parties are requested to make their own enquiries to the relevant authorities as to the availability of services.
Local Authority
Norwich City Council. Tel: 0344 980 3333
Spire, Holland Court, The Close, Norwich NR1 4DY, Ref: Mr Ponder, Tel: 01603 677077
Important Notice to Prospective Buyers:
We draw your attention to the Special Conditions of Sale within the Legal Pack, referring to other charges in addition to the purchase price which may become payable. Such costs may include Search Fees, reimbursement of Sellers costs and Legal Fees, and Transfer Fees amongst others.
Additional Fees
Administration Charge - 0.3% including VAT subject to a minimum of £840.00 including VAT
Disbursements - Please see the legal pack for any disbursements listed that may become payable by the purchaser on completion.