Call the team on 0845 400 9900 for more information
An excellent individual building plot with outline planning consent for the erection of a detached house. The plot has a frontage onto Front Street of approx. 48ft (14.15m), an average depth of 120 ft (36.75m), and an average width of 49 ft (15m). This infill plot is located in a nice part of the village, away from the main road, and offers an opportunity for developers and self-builders to construct a very nice family house. The indicative drawing that was submitted with the planning application indicated a two-storey dwelling with a footprint of approximately 110 sq.m (1,184 sq. ft.), which is over 2,360 sq ft over two floors (gross external measurements).
The plot is located in a quiet part of the popular Wolds Village of Langtoft, which itself is approximately 6 miles from the market town of Driffield and within easy commuting distance of Bridlington, Scarborough, Beverley, and Malton.
Planning Consent
Application No. 23/03564/OUT for the approval of reserved matters was approved on 11 April 2024. Copies of the Notice of Decision and plans are available from the East Riding of Yorkshire Council planning department public access site using the Application reference No.
Fencing Liability
The purchaser will be responsible for the erection of a 0.9m fence between points A-B and a 1.8m close-boarded timber fence between points B-C, as shown on the included plan, within three months of the completion of the purchase. The owners of East Lea must agree upon any variation to the type of construction of the fence.
Mains water, electricity, and drainage are available within the village. Purchasers should make their own inquiries into the exact location and cost of connection thereto.
Strictly by appointment with the auctioneers on 0845 400 9900
Method of Sale
The property will be offered for sale by online auction, with bidding commencing at 12:00 p.m. on Monday, May 20th, 2024, and closing on Wednesday, May 22nd, at 1.00 p.m. For further legal information relating to this lot, please go to
Condition of Sale
The property will be sold subject to conditions of sale, copies of which will be available for inspection at the auctioneer’s offices, with the solicitors and online at, before the date of the auction.
Legal Pack
A legal pack has been requested from the vendors solicitor and will be made available online as soon as it is received. You can register to receive an email notification when the pack is available by going to and clicking on the property you are interested in. On the property detail page you will see a red ‘LEGAL PACK’ button which you should click on and it will take you to the registration page.
Freehold with vacant possession upon completion.
Online Bidding
If you want to bid on this property, copy and paste the link below into your URL bar or into a Google search, and it will take you to a video that explains the process:
Interested parties are invited to make their own enquiries to the relevant authorities as to the availability of the services.
Local Authority
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Lundys Solicitors, 17 Exchange Street, Driffield, YO25 6LA, Ref: Mr David Lundy, Tel: 01377 252 831
Offered in association with
Dee Atkinson & Harrison
Important Notice to Prospective Buyers:
We draw your attention to the Special Conditions of Sale within the Legal Pack, referring to other charges in addition to the purchase price which may become payable. Such costs may include Search Fees, reimbursement of Sellers costs and Legal Fees, and Transfer Fees amongst others.
Additional Fees
Administration Charge - The purchaser will be required to pay an administration charge of £900 (£750 plus VAT) subject to a minimum of 0.3% of the sale price, including VAT and a buyer’s premium of £600 (£500 plus VAT) in addition to the purchase price of the property.
Disbursements - Please see the legal pack for any disbursements listed that may become payable by the purchaser on completion.