Call the team on 0116 222 7575 for more information
A Two Bedroomed end of Terrace with Potential to Extend and Remodel
*******FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION 24th APRIL 2025 2.00PM. REGISTER TO BID****** A two bedroomed end of terrace house occupying an excellent plot with great potential for extensions and remodeling. Large garage and useful brick stores. In need of general updating, the property has a reception room, breakfast kitchen, and a shower room on the ground floor. The rear gardens extend to over 130ft. There is plenty of parking to the front. Freehold with vacant possession.
See Legal Pack
Ground Floor
Lounge 3.38m x 3.33m, Breakfast Kitchen 3.58m 3.05m, Rear Lobby, Shower Room 1.86m x 1.91m.
First Floor
Landing, Bedroom 1 3.39m x 3.34m, Bedroom 2 2.26m x 2.30m
Driveway providing car standing for 4 cars. garage to the side 7.00m 3.40m (External) two brick stores 6.60m x 2.40 m (external). Gardens extend to approximately 40.0m
Consumer Protection Legislation
These details have been written to conform to Consumer Protection Legislation. Whilst we endeavour to make our sales details accurate and reliable, if there is any point of particular importance to you, please contact the office and we will check the information for you, particularly if contemplating travelling some distance to view. Measurements are given in good faith and whilst believed to be accurate these should be checked by the purchaser for verification. The measurements are carried out in accordance with the RICS and ISVA code of measuring practice.
Energy Efficiency Rating (EPC)
Current Rating D
Interested parties are requested to make their own enquiries to the relevant authorities as to the availability of services.
Local Authority
North West Leicestershire District Council
Important Notice to Prospective Buyers:
We draw your attention to the Special Conditions of Sale within the Legal Pack, referring to other charges in addition to the purchase price which may become payable. Such costs may include Search Fees, reimbursement of Sellers costs and Legal Fees, and Transfer Fees amongst others.
Additional Fees
Administration Charge - £1800 inc VAT payable on exchange of contracts.
Disbursements - Please see the legal pack for any disbursements listed that may become payable by the purchaser on completion.