Sold Prior | Lot 60

Former Focus School, 237 Didsbury Road, Heaton Mersey, Stockport, Greater Manchester SK4 2AA

Sold Prior

  • Land
  • Tenure: Freehold

Call the team on 01772 772450 for more information

Auction Date

Wed 14/02/2024

Auction Time


Auction Venue

Online Auction

3.36 Acre Development Site – Consent For Both (a) 34 Houses and (b) 10 Houses and 72 Retirement Apartments

Freehold residential development site extending to approximately 3.36 acres. The site benefits from planning permission for residential development from Stockport Council for both: (a)Development of 34 houses (Granted January 2023 ref: DC/075939), & (b)10 residential houses and 72 bed retirement apartments (Granted August 2023 ref: DC/085997). The site comprises a former school that has been vacant since 2019 with an area of protected woodland to the south west corner. The north of the site comprises the former school buildings and the south of the site is occupied by a playing field. There are a number of mature trees to the western and eastern boundaries. A footpath through Masefield Drive connects Didsbury Road with Tennyson Road to the south. LOCATION Exceptional South Manchester location – convenient for Heaton Mersey and Heaton Moor village centres. Stockport town centre is within 1 mile and Manchester city centre is 6 miles to north west. Accessed via A5145 Didsbury Road which links to J1 of the M60 motorway to the east and the A34 Kingsway to the west. Manchester City Centre being approximately 5 ½ miles to the north. Tenure: Freehold Title number: GM4611 Local Authority: Stockport Finance is available on this lot. For a decision-in-principle visit




The site received planning consent in January 2023 for the ‘demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide 34 dwellings, associated landscaping, amended access, car parking and public open space area’ (application ref: DC/075939). The consent is for a development comprising the following mix: House Type A 3/4 Bed 14 No. @ 1,872 sqft House Type B 4 Bed 6 No. @ 1,717 sqft House Type C 3 Bed 6 No. @ 1,170 sqft House Type D 2 Bed 8 No. @ 743 sqft The planning consent will require 13no. of the dwellings are to be delivered as affordable: 2no. House Type C as social rent units 3no. House Type C as shared ownership units 4no. House Type D as social rent units 4no. House Type D as shared ownership units


Granted August 2023 for ‘residential development consisting of A) 10 semi-detached houses and B) 72 retirement apartments for independent living with ancillary support services and communal facilities together with associated landscaping, amenity space and car parking’ (application ref: DC/075939). Precedent set for scale and massing for an alternative development. The 10 semi detached houses comprise split level properties with 2 storeys to the frontage and 3 storeys to the rear. The houses extend to 1,773 sq ft. All of the houses are consented for open market sale. The retirement element is to be set over 4 storeys and will provide ancillary accommodation along with the following mix of units: 1B2P apartment 1 Bed 37 No. @ 574 sqft 2B3P apartment 2 Bed 24 No. @ 682 sqft 2B3P-C apartment 2 Bed 8 No. @ 694 sqft 2B3P-L apartment 2 Bed 3 No. @ 684 sq ft The planning consent for the retirement element is for a 100% affordable scheme of Older Persons Shared Ownership (OPSO). There may be flexibility in tenure, such as affordable rent. More detailed information will be available within the legal pack.


Buying at auction is a contractual commitment, you are legally obliged to buy the lot on the terms of the sale memorandum at the price you bid. If you are the successful bidder, you are required to pay the deposit and auction fees immediately. As agent for the seller, we treat any failure to satisfy your obligations as your repudiation of the contract and the seller may then have a claim against you for breach of contract. You must not bid unless you wish to be bound by the common conditions of auction.


In accordance with Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, two forms of identification and confirmation of the source of funding will be required from the successful purchaser. Every effort has been made to confirm the accuracy of the lot details including any defect in the title both with the vendor and their solicitor. Auction House will not be held responsible for any failure to disclose any such defects. Any purchasers choosing to buy without viewing in person are doing so at their own risk and acknowledge that the auctioneer will not be held responsible for any issues that may arise due to them being unintentionally missed from the video or sales particulars. Please refer to legal pack for additional fees and the Auction Information document for guidance prior to bidding.

Energy Efficiency Rating (EPC)

Current Rating N/A

Local Authority

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council


Deloitte, Ref: Deloitte

Important Notice to Prospective Buyers:

We draw your attention to the Special Conditions of Sale within the Legal Pack, referring to other charges in addition to the purchase price which may become payable. Such costs may include Search Fees, reimbursement of Sellers costs and Legal Fees, and Transfer Fees amongst others.

Additional Fees

Administration Charge - 1.98% inc VAT of the purchase price, subject to a minimum of £1980 inc VAT, payable on exchange of contracts.

Disbursements - Please see the legal pack for any disbursements listed that may become payable by the purchaser on completion.