Results for recent auctions in South West

Below is a list of the auctions held by Auction House South West in the last 12 months across Devon, Cornwall, Bristol and Somerset.

Click on any auction date to view the results.

National livestream auction results

Past online auction results for Auction House South West

Address Auction Ended Guide Result
1 North Terrace North Road Whitemoor, Nanpean, St. Austell, Cornwall 1 North Terrace North Road Whitemoor, Nanpean, St. Austell, Cornwall 28/05/2020 12:32 £88,000 Sold for: £100,000
Dunsford Trethevy, Tintagel, Cornwall Dunsford Trethevy, Tintagel, Cornwall 25/07/2019 12:00 £165,000 Sold for: £181,000
36 Foundry Road, Camborne, Cornwall 36 Foundry Road, Camborne, Cornwall 11/07/2019 12:00 £115,000 Sold After
7 Wesley Place, St. Austell, Cornwall 7 Wesley Place, St. Austell, Cornwall 24/01/2019 12:24 £70,000 Sold for: £86,500