18 Garages at Beech Grove, Merthyr Tydfil. CF47 9RY
A rectangular shaped compound containing 18 single garages set out as 2 x blocks of 9 within a post war housing estate on the north eastern side of the town. In our opinion, the purchase would suit an investor, local landlord or even a commercial occupier who may want to clear the site and use as workshops or as a storage facility. Access to the garages can be obtained from a vehicular lane between house numbers 8 & 10 which are both end links, the lane narrows to a footpath once the garage compound is passed. The site is then surrounded on three sides by garages of neighbouring properties. The condition of each garage varies.
See Legal Pack
Auction House South Wales 02920 475184
Energy Efficiency Rating (EPC)
Current Rating N/A
Hugh James Solicitors, Two Central Square, Ref: Hugh James Solicitors, Tel: 033 3016 2222
Important Notice to Prospective Buyers:
We draw your attention to the Special Conditions of Sale within the Legal Pack, referring to other charges in addition to the purchase price which may become payable. Such costs may include Search Fees, reimbursement of Sellers costs and Legal Fees, and Transfer Fees amongst others.
Additional Fees
Administration Charge - 1.2% inc VAT of the purchase price, subject to a minimum of £1200 inc VAT, payable on exchange of contracts.
Disbursements - Please see the legal pack for any disbursements listed that may become payable by the purchaser on completion.