Parcel of land
Parcel of amenity land in a unique location in the popular town of Annan. Situated just off the town centre, the land could be suitable for a variety of uses subject to the necessary consents.
See Legal Pack
Energy Efficiency Rating (EPC)
Current Rating NA
Interested parties are invited to make their own enquiries to the relevant authorities as to the availability of the services.
Cullen Kilshaw Solicitors, 27 Bank Street, Ref: Cullen Kilshaw Solicitors, Tel: 01461 202 866
Important Notice to Prospective Buyers:
We draw your attention to the Special Conditions of Sale within the Legal Pack, referring to other charges in addition to the purchase price which may become payable. Such costs may include Search Fees, reimbursement of Sellers costs and Legal Fees, and Transfer Fees amongst others.
Additional Fees
Administration Charge - £1200 inc VAT payable on exchange of contracts.
Disbursements - Please see the legal pack for any disbursements listed that may become payable by the purchaser on completion.