Call the team on 02920 475 184 for more information
Freehold Mixed Use Investment with Development Opportunity Buddsoddiad Defnydd Cymysg Rhydd-ddaliadol gyda Chyfle Datblygu Parêd Manwerthu yn 6-14 Heol Trenewydd, Caerau, Caerdydd CF5 5LU
An opportunity to acquire a retail parade property which comprises a terrace of 5 retail units each with 3 bed maisonettes above which were constructed in the 1950’s. The accommodation of each unit is laid out over three storeys, which have brick elevations below a pitched roof. Large parts of the brick frontages have been rendered. Each of the ground floor units has a retail frontage with all of the upper floors having UPVC double glazing, the property also benefits from rear lane access. The property may offer scope for development within the freehold title subject to all usual consents. Cyfle i gaffael eiddo parêd manwerthu sy’n cynnwys teras o 5 uned adwerthu a phob un â fflat deulawr 3 ystafell wely uwchben a adeiladwyd yn y 1950au. Mae llety pob uned wedi’i drefnu dros dri llawr, sydd â drychiadau brics o dan do ar oledd. Mae rhannau helaeth o’r ffryntiadau brics wedi’u rendro. Mae gan bob un o’r unedau llawr gwaelod ffryntiad manwerthu a phob un o’r lloriau uchaf wydriad dwbl UPVC. Mae gan yr eiddo hefyd fynediad ar hyd lôn gefn. Gall yr eiddo gynnig lle i ddatblygu o fewn y teitl rhydd-ddaliadol yn amodol ar bob caniatâd arferol.
See Legal Pack
Further Information
We are advised that the total rental income currently being obtained is £24,785 per annum, in our opinion, there may be potential scope to increase the rent at the date of the rent reviews or furthermore so when the shorter leases are due to expire in 2027 & 2029. Any inward purchaser may at the point of expiration of the leases on No’s 8 & 12 wish to create independent leases for the residential and commercial elements. This would certainly uplift the income significantly once again, in our opinion, subject to successful negotiations etc. Fe’n hysbysir mai cyfanswm yr incwm rhent a geir ar hyn o bryd yw £24,785 y flwyddyn ac, yn ein barn ni, efallai y bydd lle i gynyddu’r rhent ar ddyddiad yr adolygiadau rhent neu pan fydd y prydlesi byrrach yn dod i ben yn 2027 a 2029. Gall unrhyw brynwr o’r tu allan, pan ddaw’r prydlesi Rhifau 8 a 12 i ben, ddymuno creu prydlesi annibynnol ar gyfer yr elfennau preswyl a masnachol. Byddai hyn yn sicr yn codi’r incwm yn sylweddol unwaith eto, yn ein barn ni, yn amodol ar drafodaethau ac ati llwyddiannus.
Caerau is a residential area, located on the Western side of the City, approximately 5 miles (8 km) west of Cardiff City Centre. There are a number of local schools and amenities close by. Good access is provided to the A4232/M4 and the City Centre. Mae Caerau yn ardal breswyl wedi’i lleoli ar ochr orllewinol y Ddinas, tua 5 milltir (8 km) i’r gorllewin o Ganol Dinas Caerdydd. Mae nifer o ysgolion a chyfleusterau lleol gerllaw. Darperir mynediad da i’r A4232/M4 a Chanol y Ddinas.
Tenancies / Tenantiaethau
We are informed that the total current annual gross income is £24,785 per annum. With scope for betterment as outlined above. Please refer to legal pack for further confirmation of tenancies and income. Fe’n hysbysir mai cyfanswm yr incwm gros blynyddol presennol yw £24,785 y flwyddyn, gyda lle i wella fel yr amlinellir uchod. Cyfeiriwch at y pecyn cyfreithiol am gadarnhad pellach o denantiaethau ac incwm.
Tenure / Daliadaeth
Freehold / Rhydd-ddaliad
Viewings / Further Information Ymweliadau/Gwybodaeth Bellach
Please contact the auctioneers office Auction House Wales for further details on 02920 475184. Cysylltwch â swyddfa’r arwerthwyr Auction House Wales am ragor o fanylion ar 02920 475184.
Guide Price / Amcanbris
£275,000 +
Local Authority
Cardiff Council
Cardiff Council Solicitors, County Hall, Ref: Cardiff Council Solicitors
Important Notice to Prospective Buyers:
We draw your attention to the Special Conditions of Sale within the Legal Pack, referring to other charges in addition to the purchase price which may become payable. Such costs may include Search Fees, reimbursement of Sellers costs and Legal Fees, and Transfer Fees amongst others.
Additional Fees
Administration Charge - 1.2% inc VAT of the purchase price, subject to a minimum of £1200 inc VAT, payable on exchange of contracts.
Disbursements - Please see the legal pack for any disbursements listed that may become payable by the purchaser on completion.